Congratulations to Stig and his team at Stonehenge Ales after winning a gold medal at the SIBA South West Beer Festival for strong bitters. Danish Dynamite was voted best amongst a very strong list of rivals. Cornish brewers also did very well at the event which demonstrated the renaissance in brewing in that part of the world.
So again, well done Stig!
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Stonehenge gold!
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Monday, 28 April 2008
End of an era... beginning of upheaval?
The entire board of Scottish & Newcastle (S&N) tendered its resignation today as it prepared for a new era of ownership under Heineken. It is indeed the end of an era as S&N can trace its roots back through turbulent times to the mid 18th century.
The Board may have resigned, but there is definitely more upheaal to come as the takeover beds down. One of the more obvious areas of concern for 'craft' beer lovers is the future of Caledonian Brewery and their brands. Now owned by Heineken there are real fears amongst employees, trade and loyal customers alike.
Anyway, the king is dead... long live the king!
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Thursday, 17 April 2008
Wickwar brews to the fore
We have got some new Wickwar brews coming to Cellarman Towers soon. The official beer of the Cotswolds and a beer brewed especially for rugby players all over the country... Rite Flanker! Look our for these in the very near future.
I don't normally do straight 'ads' on the blog, but the guys at Wickwar deserve a special mention for the wonderful ales they brew. If you see them, try them!
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Monday, 14 April 2008
All shook up!
After Marston's bought Refresh, the next move in our world of cask conditioned beer has been announced. Scottish & Newcastle have bought Caledonian Brewery. This begs a number of questions: why are S&N buying breweries when they won't exist this time next month? What are Heineken going to do with a small ale brewery in Edinburgh? Where does that leave Harviestoun?
On the latter, the following is an opening paragraph of a press release: "The independent future of Harviestoun Brewery Limited has been secured in the wake of this week’s outright acquisition of Caledonian Brewing Company by Scottish & Newcastle UK." For how long?
Anyone got an idea what will happen next? The first cracks are starting to appear!
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Thursday, 3 April 2008
Hobgoblin gobbled up
Midlands-based brewer Marston's has bought Refresh UK, which brews ales including Brakspear and Hobgoblin and has partnership agreements with Wadworth, Thatchers, Löwenbräu and Innis & Gunn. Marston's said it wants to develop a portfolio of well-established premium beer brands to complement its core range, led by Marston's Pedigree, and promised to continue brewing at Refresh's Wychwood Brewery in Witney, Oxfordshire.
Is this the start of the second wave of consolidation? Will the economic conditions forestall any further activity or will we see further deals? And where will the deals stop? Will they percolate down to the smaller craft brewers? Is there over capacity in the market? Of course there is, but can it be affected by the 10, 20, 30, 40 barrel plants?
Am I asking rhetorical questions?
No. You read it here first. Heineken will soon be the biggest UK brewer, but the indigenous brewers will retaliate.
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Wednesday, 2 April 2008
April Fool!
OK, I know I am a day late but sometimes it is better to be late than never. Has beer ever been used as an April Fool 'prop'? You bet your cotton socks it has. Here are just two examples:
Not long ago on April 1, a San Diego radio station announced that a beer truck had jack-knifed and couldn't be towed until the beer was drained from it's tank. Over 100people showed up to help drain it!
In Singapore, an ad campaign was launched for a new beer, called XO, so strong that it must be consumed lying down. Guests were invited to a hotel on April 1st to help drink and launch the product.
I would never have fallen for those. Would you?
Right, I am off down the pub later. My mate told me yesterday that every time Liverpool are in possession of the ball tonight, beer is £1.00 a pint. When Arsenal have the ball, it is £4 a pint. It is called a 'floor pair' promotion seemingly. Sounds good.
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